In lieu of sending flowers, please consider making a donation to one of the charities that were important to John:


Second Chance Rescue

Steve Sapontzis was John’s co-editor of Between the Species, a Journal for the Study of Philosophy and Animals. His Fort Bragg, CA organization supports local pet issues: spay/neuter, rescue, rehoming, feeding, medical care, tick/flee treatment; especially in tough economic times.


Action for Animals - Oakland

Eric Mills’ organization organization in Oakland has been advocating for animals since 1984, focusing on rodeo reforms, charredas, live animal food markets, and various other animal issues, and helped produce the documentary short on the ethics of rodeo, Bucking Tradition.


Albert Schweitzer Foundation

In an effort to eliminate the use of animals and animal products as a food source, this organization promotes plant-based diets as the most ethical solution and strives to reduce the suffering of all animals that are being raised, kept and killed for the sake of food production.